Hsiao-Tzu Tien

In 1960s, G. William Domhoff once described the principles of creating lucid dreams/senoi dreams (Senoi Dream Theory: Myth, Scientific Method, and the Dreamwork Movement):
(1) Always confront and conquer danger in dreams;
(2) Always move toward pleasurable experiences in dreams;
(3) Always make your dreams have a positive outcome and extract a creative product from them.

Each artistic creation (as well as the process of creation) is like pursuing the unknown – a lucid dream in which you are perfectly aware that you’re striving for pushing those dreams to move toward the direction you expect and trying to create something from the dreams by means of collage, distortion and transformation of what has been received in daily lives.

Now when I look back in 2019 at those lucid dreams, 2 it is like re-visiting all those symbols and signs created by body movements, objects, space, light and sounds as well as the emotions and feelings at that time, and trying to make another lucid dream out of them.

Perhaps subconsciously I am hoping that I will make a decision at some point to wake up or to continue dreaming.

Premiere: Oct. 11, 2019 at Experimental Theater, Taipei. Commissioned by the National Performing Arts Center – National Theater & Concert Hall, Taiwan.

Choreography & Performance:Hsiao-Tzu Tien | Creative Partner & Performance:Ning Wang | Dramaturge:Ming-Chen Lee | Stage Design:Guan-Ling Chen | Lighting Design:Chih-Heng Chuang | Music Design:Yu-Der Lin | Costume Design:Eric Tsai



ARTALKS特約評論人 鄒之牧:




表演藝術評論台評論人 紀慧玲:

“編舞家一貫起手式總像一潭靜水,明澈卻不透見底。作為身體外相,田孝慈風格明晰,重複起始的流線語彙、突然岔出的變形或變態、莊重的詼諧、斑駁物件,《清醒夢》一以貫之。但作為敘事,此次夢遊意識游移,在擬夢的水痕裡,照不清具體輪廓。 ”